Sunday, August 30, 2009

Scattered, Smothered, and Covered

None of these are my brain.

Actually, I could be the one in the middle of the 2nd row. Bwahahahahaha!

This is my brain after working on promotion and tenure.
Yeah. That's about right. Why? Because. It's. Not. Done.

Close, but not done. I'd like to scream now. Instead, I'll go to bed and pray that the secretary can find the student opinion survey information I need tomorrow that I will have to cull through and type the comments from as a part of my "teacher effectiveness" section. If that can't be found, then I have to renumber my artifacts in my narrative and reprint all of the cover sheets for the artifacts that I worked on today. Nothing major. Just 5 hours worth of work either way.

I've really missed this weekend.

My brain really is scrambled. I was doing laundry this evening, took some drip dry things out of the wash, and then proceeded to put laundry detergent in the washer on top of the now clean but wet clothes. I didn't even realize I had done it until I turned the water on. They are really clean now.

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